Thursday, October 4, 2012

What I've learnt; for ladies only.

Even when making a home - women's territory - women often get the shit end of the stick.

We try to be nice and don't scream when we should.

I couldn't write down everything I've learnt so far, and there's still more to go. I have loved it so much I'm studying interior design now and starting work at a residential building company, one day.

But I know I've made loads to stuff ups , usually from thinking I know better. Stuff ups waste time, are expensive and detract from enjoying building - which can be fun.

I think I've only cried once.

1. Trades people can smell a person who doesn't know what they are talking about - this could be because you haven't done any research, or because you are a girl who only cares about the big picture at the end. And what colour it will be. You will be taken advantage of. WILL. get over being nice to everyone.

2. Write down very specific ideas about the end product you want- and tell your builder - all parts of building effect each other and if you don't make specific design plans for the finishing clear from the start they may not be possible.

3. Building dust and paint chemicals will totally dry out your skin. Really bad :-(

4. Dont splurge on anything for decorating the final build (unless it's tiles or windows) until the very end. Your budget needs to have more flexibility while building to allow for fuck ups. Which will happen. I didnt believe this - but it's true. every day something changes.

5. Just because you don't know how to do something- doesn't mean your kinda handy friends do. Unless in desperation get a professional.

6. Everything costs money. If you think you will save money by doing something yourself - you won't. Especially if it needs to be redone. twice.

7. It's easier to find more patience than more money.

8. If you ask someone for advice - be prepared to take it. Do your own research  and only ask friends if you are still confused about what to do. Its a real girl thing to keep asking because you a're nervous and want to talk about it out loud with friends - then go do what you want anyway. You will piss people off.

9. Your car will be a mess. Buy a seat or boot cover. Building chemicals are usually made for permanence rather than washability.

10. Officially as of yesterday, every single nail on my hands had been ripped down to a serial nail biter quick level. Argh. Hurts  guys don't understand that.

11. Don't let anyone tell you what your kitchen should look like unless they have a vagina and also cook every day.

12. Benchtops take a month to be made. You will be tempted to order them before the kitchen is installed to save time. Do not do this. Do not listen to the estimated Benchtop dimensions from anyone - especially IKEA. Wait and order them last. You are talking to the person who paid for hers twice.

13. Use a builder who listens to all your dumb questions with patience and understanding. Like peter freeman who is awesome.

14. Let your builder manage the tiling. And windows. And most things you think you can Google and work out yourself. You can't.

15. Don't go on holiday.

You just can't tell this stuff to men. They wouldnt listen.

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