Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Encaustic Tiles make their grand arrival

Good news arrived at the end of the most stressful week so far of the Freo Extension (had to find a new tiler, endured oil-based-paint-day, hay fever, got a cold, weather sucked, AC people delayed, other stuff delayed, paint stinks *cry*), my encaustic, twice delayed, hand made tiles for the ensuite bathroom were ready for collection from Aeria tiles. 

And luckily, the new tiler (Joe Balls from New Zealand) was immediately on the scene the following day to start glueing them down. 

Encaustic tiles would have been the floor of my entire home, kitchen splash back, garden paving and bathroom walls if they could have been. Perhaps overkill? Never, totally inspiring. Also very heavy and very pricey (hence their location in the smallest bathroom) - but they are extremely awesome. 

Thankyou Wikipedia: 

Encaustic tiles are ceramic tiles in which the pattern or figure on the surface is not a product of the glaze but of different colors of clay. They are usually of two colors but a tile may be composed of as many as six. The pattern is inlaid into the body of the tile, so that the design remains as the tile is worn down. Encaustic tiles may be glazed or unglazed and the inlay may be as shallow as an eighth of an inch, as is often the case with "printed" encaustic tile from the later medieval period, or as deep as a quarter inch.

They are so awesome - they have found a new home in my Moroccan hammam style bathroom, with its antique marble sink, dark bronze tapware and black iron light fittings. It sounds nice and moody in theory - the practise has yet to fit together - so I'm not sure if the goods will back it up. Let's see. 

Some encaustic inspiration, for my future encaustic home:

And so, in advance of my lottery winnings purchasing my dream block in the pacific palisades of california, and building the extract replica of my Lily St house dream (or Meryl Streeps place in the movie where she shags Alec Baldwin that i can't think what the name is at this minute) - here is the most awesome bathroom floor in history, being glued down by the tiler with the best name in history. 

He's saying something about my shower grate right now. I can't remember what. I'm sure he fixed it. 

The installing of a 'Smart Grate' for the floor waste, that will eventually have pieces of tile on the top of it. 


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