Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to install a range hood exhaust into a solar span / econo-deck roof, you ask.

<3 my solar span. SUPER insulating and awesome at making than 'rain on tin' noise when it, err, rains. But cheese louise has it been limiting and industrial to deal with. You need to choose and position your lighting when the ceiling gets installed (as they can only go on joins). No down lights (don't like em anyway) and you can't install extra lights or anything else for that matter on the ceiling on from the walls, down the track. No ceiling cavity, nothing can go in there. 

Solar span is two layers of colorbond tin, with half a foot of polystyrene in between. 


Installing a rangehood later in the building picture. Not so much fun. 

Except i had the worldest hottest roofy. 

step one, drill through to the other side to mark out where the flu will go. 

Then tin snips a circle big enough for your flu kit. 

Seeeee polystyrene. 

And push it through!

The next part i didn't get to observe - but basically - the covering sleeve gets extended up to the sloping ceiling and carefully fit to match the rake. I don't think it was overall too difficult when it actually happened, but working out all those steps and who should do them wasn't so easy. 

And then, it got installed, and wouldn't switch on. Thanks Ilve. 

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